Sunday, December 6, 2009

My First Blog... Isn't it Cute?

I never really noticed this Mommy Blog phenomenon that seems to have been going on for quite some time now. Somewhere between my full time job and my tween and teen children and my lack of a good internet connection and being single.... I missed it. I used to be "in the know". I used to me "super mom", volunteer in the classroom, Cub Scout den leader, bake everything from scratch all while working full-time. (It's ok, looking back I hate me too) If it makes you feel better, I wasn't the hot mom. I was the unhappy, overweight, over-compensating mom. That changed when I got divorced. I turned into the average mom, the frazzled mom, the I really have no idea whats going on or what my kids names are mom. Yes, every teachers dream parent.

Well it took some time but life seems to be settling in and I am currently unemployed, thank you AIG, so I have a little time on my hands. I have spent more time on the internet looking for a job and I stumbled across the mommy blogs. Initially it was simply to win some prizes to put under the Christmas tree. Then... I was sucked in with their witty writing or their PTA like cliques that make you hesitant to make any sort of comment... but its like watching a car accident and you can't stop. So you go on. You read. You get sucked in. It's my own personal web soap opera and I am addicted. If I miss tomorrows episode - its okay - the web is its own personal TIVO.

So here I sit a month, $700 in prizes and 3 twitter parties later... writing something not so witty at all. Which is fine because I am going to post links to those blogs that are and those giveaways I adore.

I promise some days I am on... some days I am off... I can be a bit too honest. Hopefully you enjoy reading... if you don't thats ok. I am not easily offended and would not delete a contradictory post unless it was offensive. Feel free to disagree with me, feel free to comment. I love a good debate!

So I am off to enter some more giveaways at those wonderful Mommy Blogs in cyberspace.... maybe I will have a Chia Pet for you.

1 comment:

  1. For your first post of your first blog, you're doing great! I couldn't agree with you more about Mommy Blogs, sometimes I think that I've visited so many that there can't possibly be more... and then suddenly, 50 new ones pop up.

    Congratulations on your winnings so far, now that you're addicted you might as well keep on going! :) Thanks for stopping by today and good luck!
